Saturday, February 16, 2013

Exceptionally Quotidian

As I'm surfing the net, searching for anything worth my attention, I came across the blog of a friend from school. She had hooked up with a few bloggers in creating a word for the year 2013. Although we are already half way through the second month of the new year, I still think it would be a valuable thing to come up with such a word and join them. So, here is my word for 2013. Drum roll please....

This year has already presented some challenges and at first I was going to use the word discipline, but the word discipline, to me at least, has kind of a negative connotation. It is denotes error or punishment. It's definitely something that I need to work on in most areas of my life; finances, my relationship with God, time management, studying, health, etc., but I just didn't want my whole year depicted in that word. So instead, I decided to choose a more positive word that would reflect the results of discipline: exceptional. If I succeed in being more disciplined each of the forementioned areas of my life, these things could be a little more exceptional. This word is a promise to myself to make my life more exceptional, more "unusually good." 
Most days I feel like my life is so mundane and normal compared to some of my peers at school and such, but when I look at the majority of people that, let's say, I graduated from high school with, my life is pretty darn exciting. God's doing a lot of great things in my life and I want to embrace my exceptional, yet boring life. Thus the name of this blog; Exceptionally Quotidian.
(In case you didn't know the definition of quotidian is ordinary or everyday.)  

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