Saturday, March 30, 2013

101 in 1001: #24

Write a letter to my 16 year old self:

Dear 16 year old Brianna,

Congratulations! You made it to the year when you officially become an almost adult! You get to drive now and have so much more freedom and you are probably totally excited about that, but don't forget that just because you can drive now, does not mean that you have complete freedom. Mom and Dad still have rules and don't get mad at them for telling you to be home by 10, 'cause it's totally reasonable and she doesn't even know your friends that well, 'cause you're stupid and hang out with people you just met. You're doing good in school, keep it up, but don't forget that it's important to have fun too. Also, the counselors will tell you that you need to be involved with a lot of things to get into college, and have perfect grades, but let me spoil the ending, you're going to get into a really great college and once you do that, all of those extracurriculars don't mean a thing except for memories. So choose to be involved in things that matter to you and not just for a resume builder. I guess I'm telling myself that, because guess what, you still struggle with trying to be too involved. Yes, you still are a busy bee. Yes, you are still going to school to become an ophthalmologist. Yes, you have a ton of friends, most of which you don't even know right now. Unfortunately, yes, you're still single. I know that's kind of sad to think about, but I know you. I was there. You will have comfort in knowing that. You will be able to focus more on school and having friends than a stupid boy, because trust me, any of the guys you know now are NOT WORTH IT. Just trust me. Don't like them. Don't waste your time obsessing over having a boyfriend. Just live. Enjoy your life, don't fret about school, know that where you are now is totally different from where you will be in five years, but not that much has changed. Karasyn is still your best friend, you're actually going to be going to church with her. You two are going to share the best times of your life together! You are still playing the violin, you are playing keyboard at your new church and you will still be pursuing the same career. Here's an interesting thing you might like to know as well, you now work at a funeral home. I know you said you never would, but you do! It's great, though. A good experience and great for med school.

Now that I'm remembering where you are, I think back to what I wish I still had. I wish I still had two years of high school to discover myself. I wish I still was as motivated in school. Maybe I lost my boost, I got burnt out. I'm trying to find it again. I'm wishing that I hadn't wasted all the time in high school that I did just to get into Drury and not waited until I was actually at Drury to get serious about school, but I'm glad I'm realizing it now and not in Med School. I hope that you don't get too upset about things that don't matter. I heard Steve say one time that there are two things you shouldn't worry about; things you can't change and things you can. Just in case you don't get it, that's everything. If you can't change it, let it go. If you can, do. That's my best advice. Don't fret, yet. Enjoy high school while it lasts and have a great time!

21 year old Brianna